I am a HUGE fan of coffee; I always have been, and I probably always will be. In the town where I live, I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a multitude of coffee shops, so I have my fair share of choices when it comes to my java fix. I tend to hang out in the coffee shops I purchase my beverages in, and I have noticed that the colors and furniture that certain shops use evoke different feelings in me. For example, lets take Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts- they are both wildly successful coffee chains that are in several cities around the globe. I happen to have both within a 15 minute drive from my house.
Dunkin' Donuts (don't get me wrong- they have great coffee and donuts), has their walls covered in this bright, awful orange paint. Their furniture, while not as offensive as the walls, is this sickly brown color. As someone who pays attention to these things, Dunkin' Donuts is not the place where I would want to meet someone for business, or for anything, really.

Starbucks on the other hand, uses dark greens, tans, and browns to create an earthy feel. Their products are usually attractively placed around the shop, and the furniture is placed so that customers can come in to do work on their laptops (with outlets available in several areas), or come and sit with larger groups of people. I don't mind spending an hour in a Starbucks because the atmosphere is calm and attractive enough so that I am not in a rush to leave. It is a very smart business tactic to make a shop more visually appealing because the longer people stay--- the more they will buy.


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