Location Mistakes

Sometimes someone will come up with an excellent idea for a business, and think that they have all the knowledge needed to make a business thrive. However, I have witnessed first-hand how a good business can crumble because of poor planning of the business location. Growing up, I lived in a small town that was mainly populated by senior citizens. Since most of the older people grew up in our town, they usually went to the same "Ma & Pop" coffee shops and diners around town. One day, these three women decided to start up a coffee shop that was geared toward the younger people in town. They had contemporary music, urban decor, different type of coffees, etc. Personally, I loved it. Unfortunately, because there wasn't really a market for that type of business (because of the age of the general population), the business failed. Had these women taken some time to see what types of shops were in demand, and the type of customers that they would potentially have, they could have avoided such a costly mistake.

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